1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:04,240 --> 00:00:08,070 greetings to the men and 3 00:00:08,070 --> 00:00:10,237 women of the Air Force Nuclear Weapons 4 00:00:10,237 --> 00:00:12,348 Center . My name is Brigadier General 5 00:00:12,348 --> 00:00:14,403 Anthony Jenna Tempo , and I have the 6 00:00:14,403 --> 00:00:16,181 privilege of being your current 7 00:00:16,181 --> 00:00:18,014 commander during this incredibly 8 00:00:18,014 --> 00:00:20,350 celebratory time to give you a sense of 9 00:00:20,350 --> 00:00:22,517 how far we've come . This organization 10 00:00:22,517 --> 00:00:24,780 started 15 years ago with only six full 11 00:00:24,780 --> 00:00:27,940 time employees . Even in 2000 and eight , 12 00:00:28,040 --> 00:00:30,262 there were only about 10 folks assigned 13 00:00:30,262 --> 00:00:32,780 here by 20 January 2011 , when the 14 00:00:32,780 --> 00:00:34,613 center declared full operational 15 00:00:34,613 --> 00:00:36,724 capability . We're on a path to about 16 00:00:36,724 --> 00:00:39,058 300 mission focused , dedicated numbers . 17 00:00:39,840 --> 00:00:42,280 Now , in 2021 there is no doubt in the 18 00:00:42,280 --> 00:00:44,280 importance of what you do . We have 19 00:00:44,280 --> 00:00:46,447 over 1400 employees . We're adding new 20 00:00:46,447 --> 00:00:48,502 ones every day to execute a critical 21 00:00:48,502 --> 00:00:50,669 mission . A sustaining and modernizing 22 00:00:50,669 --> 00:00:50,650 nuclear weapons for nations , 23 00:00:50,650 --> 00:00:54,410 warfighters and allies . I've had a 24 00:00:54,410 --> 00:00:56,132 front row seat for many of the 25 00:00:56,132 --> 00:00:57,688 challenges we faced , and I 26 00:00:57,688 --> 00:01:00,050 congratulate all of you for your 27 00:01:00,060 --> 00:01:03,720 tenacity and meeting them head on from 28 00:01:03,720 --> 00:01:06,390 sustaining weapons far past their prime 29 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:08,480 to modernizing them against you . 30 00:01:08,480 --> 00:01:11,450 Threats ? You've risen to the occasion 31 00:01:11,460 --> 00:01:14,110 every time . And I'm very proud of your 32 00:01:14,110 --> 00:01:16,260 efforts . Thanks to you , I think the 33 00:01:16,270 --> 00:01:18,214 future is bright . The work you're 34 00:01:18,214 --> 00:01:20,381 doing right now will impact the United 35 00:01:20,381 --> 00:01:22,437 States and our allies for decades to 36 00:01:22,437 --> 00:01:24,437 come on behalf of myself and of all 37 00:01:24,437 --> 00:01:26,437 these trackers and air force Global 38 00:01:26,437 --> 00:01:28,603 Strike Command . Congratulations . And 39 00:01:28,603 --> 00:01:30,659 we look forward to team with you for 40 00:01:30,659 --> 00:01:33,230 the next 15 years . You are making a 41 00:01:33,240 --> 00:01:35,280 tremendous difference . So again , 42 00:01:35,280 --> 00:01:38,280 congratulations on this celebration and 43 00:01:38,280 --> 00:01:40,113 more importantly , thank you the 44 00:01:40,113 --> 00:01:42,540 dedicated service and ensuring that our 45 00:01:42,540 --> 00:01:45,160 nation's nuclear deterrence is always 46 00:01:45,160 --> 00:01:48,150 yet over the same 15 years we have 47 00:01:48,150 --> 00:01:50,039 grown together with our strategic 48 00:01:50,039 --> 00:01:52,261 partners in the mission , together with 49 00:01:52,261 --> 00:01:54,261 Air Force , Global Strike Command , 50 00:01:54,261 --> 00:01:56,317 United States Air Forces in Europe , 51 00:01:56,317 --> 00:01:58,539 United States Strategic Command and the 52 00:01:58,539 --> 00:01:59,983 National Nuclear Security 53 00:01:59,983 --> 00:02:02,150 Administration . We afford the team of 54 00:02:02,150 --> 00:02:04,317 blacksmiths and warriors that leave no 55 00:02:04,317 --> 00:02:06,206 room for doubt in the mind of any 56 00:02:06,206 --> 00:02:06,130 adversary that engaging in a nuclear 57 00:02:06,130 --> 00:02:08,280 conflict with the United States is 58 00:02:08,280 --> 00:02:10,340 nothing more than a decision of self 59 00:02:10,350 --> 00:02:13,390 destruction . When you start work every 60 00:02:13,390 --> 00:02:17,080 day , No , this you are deterrence . 61 00:02:18,140 --> 00:02:20,560 You are the most important part of our 62 00:02:20,560 --> 00:02:22,860 efforts , especially during the 63 00:02:22,860 --> 00:02:25,370 pandemic , to ensure our nation's 64 00:02:25,370 --> 00:02:29,090 nuclear deterrent is available 24 7 65 00:02:29,100 --> 00:02:32,950 and that it is responsive flexible and 66 00:02:32,950 --> 00:02:36,560 effective . You have brought to this 67 00:02:36,560 --> 00:02:39,370 mission the a surety that the rest of 68 00:02:39,370 --> 00:02:42,910 the United States needs to carry forth 69 00:02:42,920 --> 00:02:46,790 what we represent as a nation . You are 70 00:02:46,790 --> 00:02:50,600 the silent force that everything 71 00:02:50,610 --> 00:02:53,780 else our military , our 72 00:02:53,790 --> 00:02:57,090 infrastructure , our diplomacy is built 73 00:02:57,090 --> 00:02:59,790 on . It's not just the legacy that 74 00:02:59,800 --> 00:03:02,180 these 15 years represents . It's the 75 00:03:02,180 --> 00:03:05,580 legacy that started 75 years ago at a 76 00:03:05,580 --> 00:03:07,636 little place called Los Alamos , New 77 00:03:07,636 --> 00:03:09,469 Mexico , just north of where I'm 78 00:03:09,469 --> 00:03:11,469 located today here in Albuquerque , 79 00:03:11,469 --> 00:03:13,650 just to the west of Santa Fe , a group 80 00:03:13,650 --> 00:03:15,920 of incredibly dedicated individuals led 81 00:03:15,930 --> 00:03:18,580 by General Leslie Groves and Dr Robert 82 00:03:18,590 --> 00:03:20,700 Oppenheimer set out to do the 83 00:03:20,700 --> 00:03:23,970 impossible . They knew what innovation 84 00:03:23,970 --> 00:03:27,250 was all about 75 years ago . They knew 85 00:03:27,250 --> 00:03:29,580 what thinking outside the box was about 86 00:03:29,590 --> 00:03:32,950 75 years ago . They knew what the 87 00:03:32,950 --> 00:03:36,160 infinite Game was going to be about way 88 00:03:36,160 --> 00:03:38,860 before Mr Simon Sinek wrote about it in 89 00:03:38,860 --> 00:03:42,680 his book . It is that legacy that 90 00:03:42,690 --> 00:03:45,220 I feel that we are carrying forward 91 00:03:45,220 --> 00:03:47,510 today in the nuclear weapons center in 92 00:03:47,510 --> 00:03:50,480 the best of all aspects , and I just 93 00:03:50,480 --> 00:03:53,740 like to thank you for allowing me to be 94 00:03:53,740 --> 00:03:56,570 a part of this incredibly awesome 95 00:03:56,570 --> 00:03:59,970 endeavor . And I am very happy to be 96 00:03:59,970 --> 00:04:02,350 here at really what we could consider 97 00:04:02,350 --> 00:04:05,680 to be the rebirth of the importance of 98 00:04:05,680 --> 00:04:07,847 the nuclear mission . And I am looking 99 00:04:07,847 --> 00:04:10,070 forward to working with you , bringing 100 00:04:10,070 --> 00:04:12,660 us into that modernized and innovative 101 00:04:12,660 --> 00:04:15,100 future , thank you very much and have a 102 00:04:15,100 --> 00:04:16,660 wonderful 15th anniversary .