Who are we?
The AFNWC Inspector General office offers a safe, confidential place to address both personal and professional concerns. Whether the problem involves someone in the chain of command, or poor treatment by a center, wing or service agency, they can help solve those problems. They provide services to all military members, retirees, family members and civilians.
For example, they offer assistance in fraud, waste and abuse; gross mismanagement; violation of law, policy, procedures, instructions or regulations; an injustice; abuse of authority; inappropriate conduct; misconduct; and allegations of restriction or reprisal.
They also address the concerns of complainants and the best interests of the Air Force through objective fact-finding and by managing the employee complaint resolution process to:
- Determine if commander involvement is needed to correct systemic, programmatic or procedural weaknesses to ensure resources are used effectively and efficiently
- Resolve promptly and objectively issues affecting the Air Force mission
- Create an atmosphere of trust in which issues can be objectively and fully resolved without retaliation or the fear of reprisal
- Assist commanders in instilling confidence in Air Force leadership
How to file a complaint?
To file a complaint or concern, contact the AFNWC Inspector General office at:
1551 Wyoming Blvd SE, Bldg 20325, Rm 109
Kirtland AFB NM 87117
Hours: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Mountain, Monday-Friday
Office: (505) 853-2018
Cell: (505) 228-7927
Fax: (505) 846-0513