BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La. -- Over the next several years, Air Force Global Strike Command will continue to improve its lethality and readiness through the upgrade and construction of several new Weapons Generation Facilities across the command.
Weapons Generation Facilities consolidate the weapon maintenance, storage and training functions required to support the intercontinental ballistic missile and bomber missions. Currently this mission resides in Weapons Storage Areas which were built in the 1960s and 1970s and will one day exceed their service lives. The Air Force intends to recapitalize weapons storage capacity and improve weapons generation, maintenance and storage operations via the WGFs, resulting in a more secure and efficient facility and process.
“Today’s Weapon Storage Areas are not simply storage facilities; they support rapid generation of nuclear aircraft and routine maintenance operations for the ground-based and air legs of the nuclear triad,” said AFGSC Commander Gen. Tim Ray during a congressional testimony in May. “Two ICBM wings are planned to receive modernized facilities for these missions. Additionally, bomber WGFs will be needed to accommodate mission growth and improve current capacity, and with the right number, will provide national leadership more strategic decision space.”
When planning for these new facilities, AFGSC was able to re-examine the design plans for the WGFs to identify more affordable options.
“Initial cost estimates for bomber WGFs were $750 million (B-52) and $580 million (B-21) each,” Ray said. “However, as a success story, Air Force Global Strike Command collaborated with many different organizations and teams inside DoD and the U.S. Federal Government to find efficiencies and drive down costs.”
The interdepartmental team’s efforts reduced costs of the B-52 WGF from $750 million to $229 million and the B-21 WGF from $580 million to $199 million each, Ray said.
“As we modernize the inventory, these facilities will be the backbone for the generation of Air Force combat lethality; they will continue to be looked at as part of the modernization efforts of the command,” he added. “Modernized designs improve safety, security, and capability and meet the requirements for current and future weapons.”
The first WGF will be constructed at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, where ground-breaking took place in May.
“This is one further way Air Force Global Strike Command is taking the necessary discipline, innovation and determination as outlined in the command’s 2020 strategic plan to move forward in a smarter and more innovative way,” Ray said.
Further details about locations, specifics and details will not be provided at this time. The command stands ready to provide lethal precision strikes anywhere, anytime.