The way one views life and the world is dependent upon a number of factors. Experiences, values, cultural upbringing and more can all play a role in how a person interacts with their peers and the workplace.
The AFMC Connect focus for November is perspective. Open communication takes into account diverse worldviews and encourages teamwork and collaboration through awareness and understanding of the perspectives others bring to the workplace. Looking at things through different perspectives can lead to greater innovation, increased job satisfaction and new opportunities for success.
Leaders can encourage awareness of the concept of perspective by:
- Discussing ways to better enable perspective sharing among teams.
- Highlighting alternative ideas and solutions for problems.
- Creating a safe environment for diverse thoughts to be shared.
The discussion guide for perspective is available at https://www.afmc.af.mil/Portals/13/AFMC%20Connect%20-%20PERSPECTIVE%20%28Nov%2023%29.pdf.
To learn more about the AFMC Connect program, visit https://www.afmc.af.mil/Resiliency/Connect/.