Sept. 18, 2023 SecAF announces Air Task Force model Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall announced the Air Task Force as the next step in the Air Force’s Force Generation model during the Air and Space Forces Association’s 2023 Air, Space and Cyber Conference.
Sept. 8, 2023 CSAF issues warning of PLA recruitment of US Air Force members, veterans CSAF issued a warning about a growing threat to national security – the recruitment and exploitation of current and former Air Force members by the PLA.
Aug. 14, 2023 DoD announces inaugural innovation challenge on talent management The Talent Management Innovation Challenge encourages DoD military and civilian employees at all levels to submit promising talent management ideas with potential to make an impact across the Department in recruiting, retaining, and promoting a diverse force.
July 21, 2023 Air Force reinstates special bonuses, pays, most PCSs With additional support from Congress on several pending reprogramming requests, the Air Force will restore funding to most military personnel programs that were suspended or closed last week.The Air Force will restore the Selective Retention Bonuses and the Aviation Bonus program beginning next
July 10, 2023 Air Force delays some PCSs, bonuses Higher-than-projected personnel costs are driving a shortfall in FY23 military personnel appropriation. This will have temporary consequences for PCSes, SRBs and aviation bonuses.
May 23, 2023 Environmental analysis clears Sentinel missile infrastructure construction for takeoff The construction phase of Sentinel, the Air Force’s multi-billion-dollar missile modernization effort, was cleared for takeoff May 19 as Robert Moriarty, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, signed the project’s environmental record of decision.
March 1, 2023 AFMC executive directors take meetings on the road The senior civilian leaders at the Air Force Materiel Command took their quarterly business meeting to a new location for the first time: on the road to a subordinate center. Lorna Estep, AFMC executive director, said this was an opportunity for herself and the six center executive directors to
Dec. 2, 2022 B-21 Raider makes public debut, will become backbone of Air Force’s bomber fleet The U.S. Air Force unveiled its newest bomber aircraft, the B-21 Raider, designed to operate in tomorrow's high-end threat environment.
Sept. 12, 2022 Virtual event kicks off Digital Agents of Change campaign The Department of the Air Force Digital Transformation Office has launched a new initiative to recognize individuals across the enterprise who are driving change in the digital domain.
June 1, 2022 2023 Spark Tank open for submissions Air Force Materiel Command uniformed and civilian Airmen are invited to submit innovative, game-changing ideas to compete in the 2023 Air Force Spark Tank competition now, with preliminary rounds open from June 1 to August 17, 2022.