• AFMC to expand AcqDemo workforce

    The Air Force Materiel Command is expanding its Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project, with a target date for converting all eligible General Schedule (GS) employees by June 2025. Approximately 26,000 AFMC positions will convert.

  • Empowering change through FEVS, DEOCS

    AFMC uses data from the annual Federal Employees Viewpoints Survey to gather feedback on employee work-life balance, job satisfaction, engagement, performance management and communication.

  • AFMC Supervisor Toolkit continues to benefit frontline leaders

    The AFMC Supervisor Toolkit is a centralized repository of resources, tools and guidance designed to help supervisors manage teams across the organization. While the main purpose of the toolkit is to assist supervisors, the resources can benefit any military or civilian as they grow and develop

  • Gen. Richardson visits Kirtland

    Members from Team Kirtland salute Gen. Duke Z. Richardson, Air Force Materiel Command commander, as he arrives at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., Feb. 22, 2024. Richardson conducted his second year immersion with the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center and Air Force Research Laboratory, where they went

  • Top Airman selected as new AFMC Command Chief

    Chief Master Sgt. James (Bill) E. Fitch II will become the new AFMC command chief master sergeant, succeeding Chief Master Sgt. David A. Flosi, who will assume the position of chief master sergeant of the Air Force in March.